Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Isto só visto!

Tava eu mt bem a navegar na net, kdo vejo este comentário de uma americana, k tb mostrava algumas fotos do tsunami.
(s vos passardes dos carretos…compreendo…)

“I know that more than 90 times the people killed on 9/11 were killed with this. You must however look at all the facts. 9/11 was caused by man, this was natural. On 9/11 3,000 people were killed, but they were AMERICANS, these are 3rd world people, they are not as valuable as Americans, if you use the ratio that I use, of 1 American to 10000 of these "dirty" people, then you can plainly see that 9/11 was a MUCH greater tragedy, and this event barely deserves mention."

Ora deixa cá rever! K axo k li mal…

Agora percebi!!
É por haver TANTOS americanos assim tão...tão... tão americanizados k um néscio incompetente e belicista como o idiota do George W. Bush é re-eleito presidente!
Olha k akele Bin Laden até teve certa razão para kerer matar esses estultos…
Não concordam??